Advanced Jobs & Services – Variations
Create extra work for the jobs as a separate variation. Keep track of budgets and actuals (cost and sales) for the entire job or per variation.
Each item that varies the scope of the contract is registered under a Job Variation.
Variations allow you to add, remove or update the calculation without changing the base calculation (agreed contract value)
Job Variations are embedded in all aspects of the Project management such as Job Purchases, Time Sheets, Manufacturing, etc.
Job Variations are split out in the Progress Claims, and are usually billed on a % of completion base.
Once the Job Variation is created, it can be used to register extra work (material, labour, subcontracting, etc.)
These variations are separately printed on the Progress Claims.
Job Purchases are handled in the same way as the normal inventory purchase. For Job Related purchases, the Job No. and Job Task No. are populated on the Purchase Line.
When the job goods are received, they will usually be physically placed in another bin than the Inventory items.
Job goods are not adding value to the Inventory, instead they become Work In Progress linked to the job.
WIP Cost are activated on a monthly basis and will be moved from WIP COST (Balance Sheet Account) to the COS account (Income State account).
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